Radiograph Reporting Service

To support our referring clinics in managing orthopaedic cases efficiently

Our radiograph reporting service is there to support our referring clinics in managing orthopaedic cases efficiently to help you provide the highest level of care to your patients. Our service will give you an orthopaedic surgeon’s interpretation of your radiograph with follow-up advice to help you manage the case.

Please email your digital radiographs to

We offer two options within our reporting service:

  • Free informal email reporting service
  • Formal written report costing £45

A free of charge INFORMAL EMAIL report will be sent for all submitted cases unless you specify that you require a formal written report. The cost of written formal reports will not be refunded if the patient is referred. Please allow three working days for non-urgent reports. If you believe an urgent report is required, please state this clearly in your email and call us on 01333 739199 to ensure it is reviewed urgently. 

To help us provide you with the most accurate advice please provide the following:

  • A summary of the patient’s condition
  • Clinical examination findings 
  • Clients observation of lameness 
  • Up to eight radiographs relevant to the condition under investigation

For guidance on images for investigation where localisation is not possible, we typically use the following survey radiographs:

Pelvic limb lameness: Lateral LS spine (centred L7), VD pelvis – extended femurs, bilateral lateral limb including stifle and tarsus (centred stifle), caudo-cranial stifle and tarsus, bilateral caudocranial tarsus and foot. ​

Thoracic limb lameness: Lateral shoulder, lateral flexed and cranio-caudal elbow, dorso-palmar carpus and manus; additional views with lesion localization would include caudocranial shoulder, lateral carpus and foot, lateral extended elbow. Orthogonal views are always preferred and with thoracic limb lameness it is usually helpful to radiograph both limbs; especially if developmental orthopaedic disease is suspected. 

Reporting will be delayed by the submission of low-quality images so please try and send the highest quality in the first instance.