
More information on vaccinating your dog, cat or rabbit

  • Overview
  • Dog
  • Cats
  • Rabbit


This practice supports routine vaccination of dogs and cats in accordance with the guidelines from the vaccine manufacturer. As well as receiving their vaccination, your animal will also have a thorough examination which we believe is essential to the animal's well being as it allows us to detect early signs of any medical problems.

If you are bringing your puppy or kitten for their first vaccine and check up we will also give you lots of helpful advice and recommendations about the care of your new pet.


Dogs are vaccinated against: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis. Primary vaccination consists of 2 injections given 2 - 4 weeks apart. The 1st injection can be given at 7 weeks with the 2nd injection at 10 weeks of age. This enables early socialisation which is essential for your puppy's development.

Booster vaccination is done annually. It is important to keep up to date because if a dog has not received a booster for 18 months it will need to receive the primary course again. We will try and help you with this by sending out booster reminders!

Kennel cough - Although not widely given as a routine vaccination, the intra nasal kennel cough vaccine can protect against Bordetella Bronchiseptica, the bacterial form of this disease. It can be given to any dog though primarily it is given to those coming into contact with large groups of animals where infection might be present EG. boarding kennels, training classes and shows. Ideally vaccination should be given at least 72hrs prior to anticipated risk and can be given at the same time as the routine vaccinations.


Cats can be vaccinated against cat flu, enteritis and feline leukaemia virus. Primary vaccination consists of 2 injections given 3 -4 weeks apart. The 1st injection can be given from 9 weeks with
the 2nd injection 3 weeks later.

Booster vaccination is done annually and must be done within 18mths otherwise the primary course would need to be done again.

* Please note that the exact vaccination protocol may vary slightly
between differing vaccine brands.


Rabbits can be vaccinated against Myxomatosis. Vaccination can be performed from 6 weeks of age and is best carried out annually in May/June. However, in areas of high risk vaccinations may be repeated every 6 months.

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease can also be prevented by vaccination. This is an annual injection given from 12 weeks of age. There must be a minimal interval of 14 days between these two vaccines.

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