Frequently asked questions

Why have I been referred?

Your Veterinary Surgeon has recommended you visit our clinic because he/she feels that your animal will benefit from receiving specialist evaluation and treatment for their orthopaedic or spinal problem. our specialists spend 100% of their time dealing with animals with orthopaedic and spinal ailments and therefore have gathered considerable experience and expertise in this field. The clinic has facilities and equipment not usually found in general practice that enables specialist investigative and surgical techniques to be performed to treat your animal’s problem.

What will happen when we visit your clinic?

During a 30 minute consultation one of our orthopaedic surgeons will ask a number of questions allowing a full history to be obtained relating to your animals problem. A full examination will then be performed after which a tentative diagnosis will be made and the situation explained. Treatment options will be discussed at length. In some circumstances, you will be asked to leave your animal for 2-3 hours while investigations are performed.

On your return, any diagnostic test results and the patients potential diagnosis will be explained. At this stage some cases will be discharged the same day although if your animal requires surgery then they will be admitted to the hospital. On many occasions, the diagnosis may be confirmed at the time of consultation and therefore you will be asked to leave your animal for surgery probably to be performed the following day. Collection of your pet is usually possible within 24-48 hours of their operation, although sometimes a longer stay in the Hospital for recuperation is required.

On rare occasions it may be necessary to delay your animal’s surgery for 24 hours. This is due to emergency cases taking precedent over cases that need less urgent treatment.

Will I have to re-visit the Clinic?

In most circumstances, after your animal is discharged, your own Vet will do the immediate post-operative check-ups usually within 3-4 days (for example to remove any dressings applied to your animal’s limb) and then 10 days after surgery for suture removal.

It is likely that a re-visit examination and evaluation will be necessary 6-8 weeks post-operatively. This allows your pet’s progress to be monitored. Sometimes X-rays will be taken at this stage to assess healing of tissues. 

When do I pay for my animal’s treatment?

We respectfully request that payment be made in full at the time of collection of your pet. An estimate of the cost for treatment will be discussed at the time of the initial consultation. We accept all major credit cards. If your animal is insured, then our usual protocol is for you to settle your account at the time of collection, leave your insurance form with us and then claim directly from your own insurance company.